Monday, July 28, 2008

Writer's Block!

My plan was to take the last year off from performing to write new music. I thought this would give me enough time to get aquainted with my new surroundings, and write about my new experiences. Argh, wrong! I can't seem to finish any new stuff and it's very frustrating! I feel like I have the classic case of "Writer's Block"!

I've started quite a few new songs, however none of them are what I really want to say. I want to write songs about the beach and the sunshine - a la Jack Johnson!! I'm tired of writing songs about stupid boys who tick me off, and about waiting around for love to come my way again. Maybe I need to go sit outside more often...there's plenty of beautiful inspiration around here...


Bernadette said...

LOL, nice pic! Where oh where did you find that?! LOL

Angelam9674 said...

I took that one! We do have similar pics from that day, since we were both there!!! :)

Margo Lynn Laug said...

Love the picture Ang! Your blog looks great!