Sunday, November 8, 2009

Catching up...

I had every intention to keep my blog updated again, but life once again got in the way. About 6 weeks ago, I had to put my Codybear down. It was the hardest thing ever, but I couldn't let him suffer. He had 13 wonderful years, and was thee best dog. I miss him every day. My mom was down here for the last 10 days, which was nice and helpful. I've been really sad about Cody, and it was good to focus my attention on something else. I'm still very sad, and will be for awhile. It's amazing how different it is without him. He has been a constant in my life for so many years, and now is just gone.

I'm going home in a week, and I think that will help with the healing process as well. It will be wonderful to hug the kiddos and spend lots of time playing and laughing with them! I can't wait!! I wish I could've made it up sooner, so I could enjoy the fall colors.

The song writing is on pause right now, as a result of not being able to shake the 'sad' away. I used to write some of my best stuff when I was overcome with emotion - but it doesn't seem to be inspiring anything good this time. I'm hoping after my visit home, I'll be able to finish up the songs I've started. I was asked to play a show down here, however it's while I will be up in Michigan so that won't work this time. I think I'm a bit too rusty to play a show right now anyway, but it does give me something to work towards. I need to have a goal to get me motivated!

Anyway, here are some of my favorite pictures of Cody. RIP.

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